External Scholarships
The following is a comprehensive list of scholarships that are currently available to A.C. Jones students. Please be advised that the list is updated frequently. We recommend that you make an appointment to review your scholarship options with the JBSP team. Please stop by the office or contact Mrs. DeLaRosa at bdelarosa@beevilleisd.net.

OLA - Organizations of Latino Actuaries
Award Amount: $5,000 - $7,500
Identify as Latino, Latina, Latinx, and/or Latine.
Plan on pursuing the actuarial profession.
Plan on attending a US-based college/university, including community college, as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student next school year.
Have at least a 2.5 GPA as of January 1, 2025.
Deadline: March 31, 2025 at 11:00 p.m.
To apply: https://theactuarialfoundation.submittable.com/submit

Kailee Mills Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: up to $20,000
Be a high school senior or current post-secondary undergraduate.
Receive or have received a high school diploma at/by the end of the graduating school year.
Be enrolled or plan to enroll in an accredited 2-year or 4-year college or university in a full-time (at least 12 hours) degree-seeking program for the first time
Be a US citizen or legal resident.
Have a current GPA of 3.2 or higher on a 4.0 scale
Have at least a 1050 SAT score or a 20 ACT
Deadline: March 15, 2025
To apply: https://www.kaileemillsfoundation.org/scholarships/

Award Amount: $5,000
Be a graduating high school senior
Be enrolled in a school that is a participating MASBA member district. For a list of eligible school districts please visit: MASBA Member School Districts.
Have plans to continue with educational/career goals (trade school, community college and/or university)
Deadline: March 3, 2025
To apply: https://masbatx.org/scholarships/

Coastal Bend Community Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: Varies
High school Seniors
ACT/SAT Score Reports (encouraged but not required).
FAFSA Student Aid Report (all pages) if you wish to be considered for need-based scholarships.
One letter of recommendation.
TWO essays.
Official Transcripts
Deadline: March 1, 2024

The Gordon A. Rich Memorial Scholarship
Award Amount: $12,500 per year
Applicants must be dependent children of full-time employees in the financial services industry (commercial banks, investment banks, securities brokerage firms, insurance companies, fund and asset management companies, credit card and finance companies and similar businesses as determined by the Foundation).
Employees must be presently employed with five years of experience OR no longer employed in this field but had ten years of experience which ended no longer than five years prior to the GAR Scholarship application closing date (which is located on the top of the application).
Students must be graduating high school seniors who are enrolling as full time first year students in pursuit of a four-year bachelor's degree at an accredited college/university in the United States.
Students must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) and rank in the top 20% of their class.
Students must demonstrate financial need.
Students must be a US citizen or legal resident.
Deadline: February 20, 2025

Youth Livestock BIG TEX Scholarship
Award Amount: $6,000
High school seniors in the state of Texas who have participated in competitive youth livestock events held at the State Fair
Deadline: February 1, 2025
To apply: https://bigtex.com/supporting-texans/scholarship/#faq

I Have a Dream
Award Amount: $1,500
Open to students who are 14 and older and who are currently enrolled (or enroll no later than fall of 2027) in an accredited postsecondary institution of higher education.
Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the question:
"We want to know... what do you dream about? Whether it's some bizarre dream you had last week, or your hopes for the future, share your dreams with us for a chance to win $1,500 for college."
Deadline: January 31, 2025
To apply: https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/i-have-a-dream-scholarship#

Live Más
Award Amount: Varies
Students ages 16-26
Submit a 2-minute video telling what you’re passionate about and how you plan to make a difference.
Deadline: January 8, 2025
To apply: https://www.tacobellfoundation.org/live-mas-scholarship/

Healthcare Leaders Scholarship
Award Amount: $1,500
Age 17 or older
Accepted to or currently attending a nursing or medical related program at an accredited institution.
U.S. Citizen
3.0 GPA or higher
Deadline: December 31, 2024
To apply: https://nurse.org/healthcare-leaders/#JotFormIFrame-222827239212150

CollegeXpress Scholarship - Students of Color
Award Amount: $1,500
U.S. citizen
13 years or older
Be a person of color planning to enroll in college in Fall 2025
Answer the question, “What is your dream career to pursue after high school?”
Deadline: December 31, 2024

Bright Lights Scholarship
Award Amount: $500
High School or undergraduate student
Underrepresented minority and/or first-generation college student
Deadline: December 25, 2024
To apply: https://app.bold.org/scholarships/bright-lights-scholarship/

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship
Award Amount: $40,000
High School senior with at least 2.3 cumilitive GPA
Have financial gap to fill
Plan to pursue a programming degree at college (computer science/computer engineering or related field)
Need to have taken computer science or hardware engineering classes in high school or at a college dual program, or currently be enrolled in one.
Deadline: December 19, 2024
To apply: https://start.scholarsapply.org/

John Young “Pursue Your Passion” Scholarship
Award Amount: $1,000
High School Student
Deadline: December 13, 2024
To apply: https://www.honorsociety.org/john-young-pursue-your-passion-scholarship-0

The Coolidge Scholarship
Award Amount: Varies
High School Junior
Must intend to enroll full-time at an accredited U.S. college or university as an undergraduate for the first time in fall 2026.
Must be U.S. citizens
Applicants cannot be immediate family member of any current employee, trustee, or significant donor to the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation or the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Fund.
Deadline: December 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
To apply: https://coolidgescholars.org/

47th Texas Conservation Awards Program
Award Amount: Varies
Ages 14-18 are eligible for this scholarship
Essay required
Deadline: December 6, 2024
To apply: Please pick up paper application from the Barnhart office.

Future Women in Law Scholarship
Award Amount: $1,000
The scholarship is open to female high school senior, vocational student, college student or graduate students who are legal residents of the United States residing in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and who are enrolled in a vocational program or two-to-four-year post-secondary institution in 2025.
• Begum Pelaez-Prada PLLC employees, their immediate families (parents, children, siblings, and spouses), and persons living in the same households of such individuals (whether related or not) are not eligible to participate in the competition.
• Candidates for this scholarship should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good overall academic standing.
Deadline: December 1, 2024
To apply: https://bp-plaw.com/the-begum-pelaez-prada-future-women-in-law-scholarship/

Etherine Tansimore Scholarship
Award Amount: $275 (2 winners)
High School Senior
GPA 2.5 or higher
Field: Medical
Deadline: November 28, 2024
To apply: https://bold.org/scholarships/etherine-tansimore-scholarship/

Maryknoll Student Essay Contest
Award Amount: Up to $1,000
Students in grades 9th through 12th
Students who are currently enrolled in a Catholic religious education program, or Catholic youth ministry program are eligible
Deadline: November 18, 2024
To apply: https://maryknollsociety.org/publications/essay-contest/

Odenza Marketing Group Scholarship
Award Amount: $500
Be between the ages of 16 and 25 on the day of the deadline
Submit answers to the essay questions, which can be found on the application page, prior to the deadline
Have at least one full year of post-secondary studies remaining at the time of the award. (Current High School Students are also eligible.)
Have a GPA of 2.5 or greater
Be a citizen of the US or Canada
Deadline: November 15, 2024
To apply: https://odenzascholarships.com/apply.php

The Elks Most Valuable Scholarship
Award Amount: Varies
Current High school seniors
Do not need be related to a member of the Elks
Male and Female students compete separately
Deadline: November 12, 2024

Buc Days Leadership Program Scholarship
Award Amount: Varies
High school seniors
2.5 or better GPA (on a 4.0 scale)
Must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 hours during the Fall 2025 semester
Deadline: Novermber 1, 2024
To apply: https://bucdays.com/scholarships/leadership-program/

National Space Club and Foundation Scholarship
Award Amount: $20,000
The applicant must be a U.S. citizen.
The scholarship is open to seniors in high school through graduate students.
The applicant must have the intention of pursuing a career in the STEM fields and plan to attend an accredited U.S. college or university to follow a course of study to pursue a career in the STEM field, with a preference for those with space related interests.
The applicant can only use the $20,000.00 scholarship towards tuition for the 2025-2026 academic year.
The applicant must not have previously spoken at the Dr. Robert H. Goddard Memorial Dinner.
The applicant must not have previously spoken at the Dr. Robert H. Goddard Memorial Dinner.
Deadline: November 1, 2024
To apply: https://www.spaceclub.org/scholarship/app_start.html

ACFEF Scholarship
Award Amount: Varies
Be an exemplary student and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher
Be currently accepted to an accredited institution with a culinary, pastry, or foodservice related major
Deadline: October 31, 2024
To apply: https://form.jotform.com/232203899283260

Patriot’s Pen Scholarship
Award Amount: Varies
Open to students in grades 6th, 7th, 8th
Applicants must be enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the US.
Deadline: October 31, 2024
To apply: Turn in paper application to the Barnhart office.

Voice of Democracy
Award Amount: Varies
Open to students in grades 9-12
Applicants must be enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the US.
Deadline: October 31, 2024
To apply: Turn in paper application to the Barnhart office.

Chick-fil-A Scholarship
Award Amount: $25,000
Reside in the U.S.
Senior in high school
Be involved in community service, extracurricular activities, and/or leadership role
3.0 GPA
Be willing to participate in Chick-fil-A’s Scholars Program (a one-year experience of mentoring, activities, and professional development), if selected.
Deadline: October 30, 2024

College JumpStart Scholarship
Award Amount: Varies
Must be a student in grades 10-12 or an undergraduate college student or non-traditional student. There are no age limits
US citizen or legal resident
Currently attending or planning to attend an accredited two-year, four-year, community, vocational or trade school in the US. Online programs also qualify
Deadline: October 17, 2024

Epic Flight Academy Aviation Scholarship
Award Amount: $20,000
Be a junior or senior attending high in the U.S.
Be able to start flight training or aircraft mechanic training within 12 months of receiving the scholarship
Deadline: October 1, 2024
To apply: https://epicflightacademy.com/aviation-scholarship/

Don’t Text and Drive
Award Amount: $1,000
Open to all students 9th-12th grades
Deadline: September 30
To apply: http://www.digitalresponsibility.org/dont-text-and-drive-scholarship

The Home Depot Foundation Path to Pro Scholarship
Award Amount: Varies
High school seniors
Enroll in a trade-related program at a two-year school (technical/vocational school or college) in the United States.
Not be an employee or dependent of an employee of the The Home Depot.
Focused on Carpentry, Construction Management, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing or Building-Related Field.
Deadline: September 30, 2024
To apply: https://webportalapp.com/sp/home/skillpointefoundation_homedepot-pathtopro

Coca-Cola Scholars Program
Award Amount: $20,000
Current high school senior attending school in the US
Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited US post-secondary institution
Deadline: September 30, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
To apply: https://webportalapp.com/sp/login/ccsf