Resources for Parents

Thinking about college

Is your child considering college? Here are some conversations to have with your student (and when you should be having them!) as they start making these important decisions.

Trade School vs. College

Is your child considering entering a trade out of high school instead of a 2- or 4-year college degree program? Great options exist in a variety of fields, so this is definitely a path they may want to consider.

2-Year vs. 4-Year Colleges

What’s the best degree path for your child at this point? Consider the differences between a 2-year and 4-year college experience and determine what’s will help them achieve their goals in both the short and long term.

Dual Credit Classes

Dual credit classes allow students to take college courses while still enrolled in high school, but are they right for your child?

Soft Skills & College

You will hear a lot about “soft skills” as your child navigates the college admissions process. What do we mean by soft skills, and how do you help your child develop them? These resources examine some of the common soft skills college students will need and what you can do now to prepare your child for these next steps.

Applying to College

College applications are long and can be complicated, but with some commitment and an eye on deadlines, they can easily be completed in time. These articles have practical advice about how to approach this process that can seem scary and insurmountable.

College Rejections

After your child pours everything into an application and essays, fills out form after form, and feels like they nailed the interview, they still may not get in. How do you support your child, help them rebound, and move on from such a huge disappointment?