Become a Mentor. Change a Life.

A key component of success for The Joe Barnhart Scholarship Program is the involvement of our mentors with our students. We match high school seniors with carefully chosen mentors who are leaders in the local community and embody the values of JBSP. Students also lean on mentors for encouragement as they face challenges, personal or academic, throughout the college application process.

Mentor’s Role

Our mentors work one-on-one with students to motivate, counsel, and assist them in navigating the hurdles required for college admission. This includes:

  • Guidance in completing a resume

  • Registering for college entrance exams

  • Identifying volunteer opportunities

  • Completing applications for scholarships and financial aid

  • Completing applications for college admission

That’s it! No previous experience is required, and the JBSP staff will teach you everything you need to know to appropriately mentor your students.  The time you spend as a mentor will only be for one year, but your impact will be felt for a lifetime.  

JBSP Mentors by Numbers:

  • 50+ mentors volunteer every year

  • Mentors represent 16 different career fields

  • 24% of our mentors meet with students virtually from as far away as Germany, Chicago and Seattle

Mentor Requirements

  • Attend annual training every August.

  • Mentor a minimum of 4 students; first year mentors will be assigned a minimum of 2 students.

  • Meet with each student at least once a month for 30 minutes. These meetings can be in person at the JBSP Office at A.C. Jones High School or virtually with prior approval.

  • Maintain written records of each meeting documenting progress, goals, and tasks.

  • Pass background check required by BISD and complete the Boy Scouts of America Youth Protection Training. 

Upcoming Mentor Events

“I am so extremely proud of my mentee! This girl is going to do so many incredible things in life! We got to share so much over Zoom on her journey applying to college & scholarships! She blessed me more than words can say with my first year learning how to be a Barnhart Mentor. Top top it off, she’s headed to UT Austin where I went to college!”

Samantha Shea, First Year Mentor, 2022