High School
The Joe Barnhart Scholarship program provides all students attending A.C. Jones High School with the following services and support throughout their high school experience:
PSAT, SAT, ACT: JBSP provides preparation tools and covers all fees for students.
Employment Readiness: Students participate in resume, composition, and interview preparation workshops.
FAFSA Application: JBSP staff work with all students to ensure a FAFSA application has been successfully submitted, a requirement for graduation.
College Support: Guidance and support for students, including identifying potential post-secondary schools, assistance with college applications and preparation, scholarship resources and completion, obtaining letters of recommendations, and general application support.
Career Assessment: Counseling and career assessment support for students pursuing trade school or alternative educational experiences.
Service Opportunities: JBSP believes it is important for students to know the value of service and giving back to the community. Throughout the year they support a variety of volunteer opportunities for students.
JBSP Honor Cord
JBPS offers an Honor Cord to Seniors who complete all requirements including, but not limited to:
Completion of PSAT and ACT or SAT
Letters of Recommendation from (3) A.C. Jones teachers and (2) community members
Completion of 100 hours of volunteer work
Submission of a minimum of 16 scholarships to the JBSP approved scholarship programs